Meli was awarded the prestigious Daisy Award for her service at LBJ in American Samoa.

Daisy Award Winner – Meli Manulo

On a recent visit to our friends in American Samoa,  Executive Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer, Jennifer Gales had the unique privilege to award one of our local nurses with the prestigious Daisy Award; Meli Manulo.

For those who are not familiar, the Daisy Award is dedicated to late Patrick Barnes, who passed away in 1999 from an autoimmune disease. During his time in the hospital, he and his family were deeply impacted by the kindness, generosity, and exceptional care they had received from the nurses.

In his honor, The Daisy Award is given to nurses who go above and beyond in their daily duties, who exercise unwavering dedication, kindness, and compassion. This award represents Patrick and his families’ love and appreciation for nurses who make a difference in the healthcare experience of everyday people.

Meli Manulo pictured with Tallavera CNO and Executive Vice President Jennifer Gales.

Congratulations to Meli and Our Friends in American Samoa

Tallavera is honored and privileged to celebrate the first ever DAISY Award with our partners in American Samoa at LBJ Tropical Medical Center. Meli Manulo was recognized for the extraordinary contributions she makes to the patients and families that she serves and her overall positive impact on the entire healthcare team.

Congratulations Meli! Our love and apperception for you and our entire American Samoa family is endless.